How It Works

Welcome! I look forward to working with you on your business’s creative endeavors. Understandably, you may be curious as to how my process works. Below, I have outlined what you can expect when you work from me. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions! 

How Does It Work?

  1. Initial Meeting – Once you have expressed interest in my services, we will set up a meeting (phone call or Zoom) to discuss your needs further. 
  2. Estimate – After our initial meeting, I will send you a detailed estimate based on the information you provided. This is a no-obligation estimate. You can decline it without a penalty or fee. If you choose to accept the estimate, work on your project will begin. If the estimate is greater than $50, a 50% deposit is required before work can begin. The remainder will be due upon completion.
  3. Invoices – I will provide invoices for all charges, and you can pay via check, PayPal, or Venmo. 
  4. Work begins on your project – During this time, you can expect regular updates and meetings as needed. Depending on the nature of the project, approval may be needed at certain stages. 
  5. Draft & Revisions – At the completion of the project, I will send a draft for approval or revisions. 
  6. Edits and Final Approval – I will make edits based on revision requests until I have the final approval. 
  7. Payment is Due – Payment in full or remaining balance is due once services are completed. 
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